Brewster Health Care is a trusted provider of domiciliary care or support care work services all over the UK. We have the experience and infrastructure to manage even the most demanding and complex of requirements.
We work with all parties to limit working hours, and unlike some companies, we seek to restrict the length of duty shifts so that our care staff remain fresh and able to attend to their duties diligently. We devise rotations to address workloads at particularly large or busy places.
We understand that your choice of provider represents a substantial investment on your part, and for that reason we employ a significant number of support staff to ensure the service runs smoothly. This includes trained, experienced staff with the expertise to handle any situation that may arise.
Our staff are backed up by a highly efficient administrative team to ensure that the paperwork that accompanies each is comprehensive, verified as accurate and current.
Our documentation includes:
- Full current CV
- Verified clinical references
- Diploma
- Evidence of English language certification
- Mandatory training
- Occupational Health clearance
- DBS statement
We liaise closely with all of our partners, whether they are part of a corporate group or an individual facility. We actively encourage and facilitate feedback so that it can be used either to improve our enrolment process or to augment our Training and Assessment Programme.